“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.”

-George Bernard Shaw -

So 3 weeks ago our sweet little baby got sick :( With a temp that lasted 4 days.  On the 5th day in the evening Matt was changing her to get ready to go out and noticed all these little bumps everywhere. . . Obviously the first thing that pops into my mind . . . CHICKEN POX!! After a trip to the doctors come to find out it was Hives ON TOP of Roseola!!  Poor thing!
She was soooooo soooooo itchy!  She was really uncomfy at nights too, so we brought her in bed with us and she was tossing and turning cause she itched so much! It finally went away 3 days later after getting a little worse! She got better and just now is coming down with something else! . . . Poor Thing!


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