“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.”

-George Bernard Shaw -

Here are some shots of the little munchkin with the proud parents! She is sooo sweet! We can't get enough!
Sweet tiny feet! They fit in the palm of my hand!

Just chillin with dad! She LOVES her daddy!
Baby feet and Mommy feet!
Ali Ruth and DeLa Ruth

Every time I hold her its like my lips are glued to her sweet little face!
Cheek to cheek!

Daddy and his girls!

Such Kissable Cheeks!
Just Hanging around! Hahahaha . . .
I know I say it all the time . . . but man do I LOVE being a mommy! It is so fun to litterally watch her grow and learn! Today she held her bottle ALL on her own! It took a couple of tries . . . but she figured it out! Its almost like I watched it click in her head! It was so Amazing! It might seem like such a small little thing but to me it was wonderful! She is so smart and so alert! I am so glad I get to be a part of this!


  1. Brenda on March 30, 2010 at 11:22 AM

    I hope you know that those sad faces you posted are due to the fact that she has a bow bigger than her head stuck on her!!! Don't you remember how uncomfortable head bands were, and DeLa is only a baby and you are making her go through that?? he he!! Love you ali! You are such a cute mommy!! DeLa is supeer cutee!

  2. weasel on March 31, 2010 at 11:11 AM

    I love all your new posts! Looks like you are really enjoying being a mom! I could kick myself for trying to rush her to the next stages! Just embrace and enjoy every second, they'll grow up fast enough, then you want another one!!! :)


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