We have recently added our precious new addition!
DeLa Ruth Lee
DeLa Ruth Lee
She has helped us start our family and we love her so much!
She came on a cold winter night! My water broke at 4:30 am (Doctor thinks it was the storm that caused it!) December 30th and off to the hospital we went! Arrived at American Fork hospital at about 5:30 am and they started me right on pitocin since I wasn't having any contractions. Nurses kept saying it was going to be at least another 5 hours . . . which in my mind was FOREVER!! But they made us comfy and we set out for a long wait, and what a long wait it would be!
At about 9:40 am I asked for the epidural hading had enough and thinking it wouldn't much longer till I was going to start pushing. I got the epidural but much to my dismay I didn't dialate as quickly as I would have hoped! Actually I wasn't dialating hardly at all! Mom Lee and Mom Hickman came to the hospital to be with us not knowing when anything would happen but wanted to offer their support and be there when the big event happened! Our Dads where both working and would later come and also be there to keep us company! 10:30am came and went, as did 11:30, 12:30,1:30 and so on. 18 hours came and went and they decided to up the pitocin even more than they already had to try and help me along! (Since my water broke they had to deliver her with in 24 hours.) Just about the same time my body started to get use to the constant epidural drip cause I could start to feel the contractions! YUCK! (God helped doctors create an epidural for a reason!! ) As they continued to monitor me the babies heart rate and oxygen level droped because of to much pitocin,which was scary to us. They had to completely stop the pitocin and put me on an oxygen mask to make sure we were both stable. Then about 30 minutes later the doctor came in and said that I was still only dialated to a 4 and (since I was at a 4 for about 7 hours . . . ) they were going to try the pitocin for 1 more hour and if there was no progress then we would go a head and "throw in the towel" as he said. Hahaha . . In the back of my mind I was thinking WAIT . . . . She really is never coming out!!!! AAHHHH!! Hahaha. . . NO he just meant we would end up doing a C-Section! Never had I even thought I would have to have a C-Section! It scared me a little and I got really nervous! But my mom was there to keep me calm! And Matts mom also offered comfort as they both talked about their experiences with their C-Sections. Still it was very nerve wracking! Thanks to the Power of the Preisthood and a wonderful husband who is worthy to hold it, I was given a blessing and I was overwhelmed with comfort! I knew everything would be okay and that the baby and I would be just fine!
An hour went by and of course I did not dialate! 20 hours of labor later and off to the OR I went! Not before my mom threatened the anestheseologist with major pain if he didn't take good care of me! Thanks mom!! Matt prepared himself in the Marshmallow suite they make you wear so he could be by my side as our sweet little girl entered the world! I layed on the table and they put up the curtain. I made sure the doctor knew that I DID NOT want a play by play of what he was doing! I didn't want to know when they were making a cut especially! I was terribly afraid I was going to feel it! Hahaha . . .that's me . . . very paranoid! But they prepped me and started the C-Section . . . not 2 minutes later I heard the most beautiful noise I had ever heard in the entire world . . . the sweet little cry of our beautiful little girl! DeLa Ruth had entered the world at 11:25 pm December 30, 2010! I was a MOMMY! Tears filled my eyes as I asked Matt if she had hair!! Hahaha . . he was so overtaken with her beauty! He followed her with the camera and took a million pictures! He was sooo proud to be a DADDY! After a long 9 months of hard pregnancy and 20 hours of long labor we finally had our Gorgeous baby girl . . . and I realized IT WAS ALL WORTH IT AND MORE! I never knew how much I could love something and have my heart so overjoyed until I layed eyes on and held DeLa Ruth Lee!
OH I LOVE HER! Matt loves her so much too and he is such an amazing Daddy! I love to watch him with her! Wow we are parents!! . . . . It boggles me every day!
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